The installation environment for LAMP needs to be uniform so that the instructions given in this setup works for everyone who follows them.
A full installation of CentOS v6.3 i386 DVD1 is used as the installation environment for this setup. CentOS is one of the most commonly used operating system in shared hosting servers. A DVD installation was selected because it asks for less dependencies in the event of installing other applications. This plus the presence of a Desktop Environment makes things easier for beginners.
Experienced users can extend this setup for a Minimal install or 64-bit install of CentOS.
Please see the To do list.
If you think you are smart enough to use your own operating system as the installation environment, feel free to do so. But you will be solely responsible for modifying the instructions given in this setup to meet your needs.
It is recommended that you use CentOS installation environment based on the instructions provided below.
- Download CentOS v6.3 i386 DVD1 from the following link. - While installing CentOS, look out for the screen that allows you to select Installation Type and Repository.
- In the section that says The default installation of CentOS is a minimum install. You can optionally select a different set of software now, select Desktop.
- In the section that says Please select any additional repositories that you want to use for software installation, check CentOS.
- In the section that says You can further customize the software selection now, or after install via the software management application, select Customize now.
- Click the Next button. This will take you to the Package selection screen.
- Make sure all Groups, Packages and Optional packages selected.
- Continue with your installation.
Why did we choose to install Apache HTTP Server/MySQL Server/PHP? We could have unselected the corresponding packages, so they would never be installed in the first place?
• Removing Apache HTTP Server/MySQL Server/PHP may serve as a guide to those who already have them installed in their system.
• Apache HTTP Server/MySQL Server/PHP gets installed even if we uncheck them during the installation. This is because other applications we have selected require them as dependencies.
Apache HTTP Server is required by the packages gnome-user-share, ipa-server, ipa-server-selinux, mailman, perl-Frontier-RPC and webalizer. PHP is required by the packages graphviz-tcl, ibutils and piranha. MySQL Server is required by 66 other packages, some of which constitute the KDE Desktop Environment.
Installing Apache HTTP Server and PHP can be prevented by unselecting the corresponding packages. But unselecting packages that require MySQL Server will require an advanced knowledge of KDE. So a practical decision would be to avoid the entire KDE Group. But in that case we would miss a number of KDE packages that does not have MySQL Server as dependency.
Still you are welcome to try preventing Apache HTTP Server/MySQL Server/PHP from being installed.
You may go to the following section.
Removing PHP